When senior Betsy Beggs was called down to the office, she was surprised to find her entire family waiting there for her! That’s when they told her the news – she was chosen for the Lily Endowment Community Scholarship, a program that offers full-tuition for four-years, as well as $900 a year for required books and equipment to Indiana students who attend an in-state university.
Beggs says she feels “very honored to have been chosen as a Lilly Scholar,” and intends to continue to uphold those values of community involvement and academic achievement that the Lilly promotes. As for advice to younger students hoping to get the Lilly one day, “get involved for the betterment of your community and of yourself,” advises Beggs, “not just to win a scholarship.”
Beggs is picking between three schools, currently waiting to hear if she gets into Notre Dame, and having already been accepted at DePauw and IU.